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Dukes Arms, Broad Street

The Duke's Arms is the oldest of Presteign's inns, having been one since the 15th century. It has much woodwork of the 17th century and even earlier. In those times it was known as the Talbot, but early in the 18th century it was re-named after the first Duke of Chandos.


Hereford Journal - 8th April 1829




At the DUKE'S ARMS INN in the Town of Presteign, in the County of Radnor, on Saturday the 11th Day of April, 1829, between the hours of three and five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced:

LOT 1.

ALL that well-accustomed INN or PUBLIC- HOUSE, commonly called or known by the Name of THE DUKE'S ARMS INN, situate in the Town of Presteign aforesaid, with three Stables and Yard thereto belonging, now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Cooper, a Tenant at will.

Hereford Journal - 11th January 1832


TO BE LET, With Immediate Possession, the above old established, well accustomed, and   most respectable INN, desirably situated for carrying, on an extensive Business, the Proprietor declining on account of ill health; the House is in good repair with roomy and convenient Stables, Fold-yard, and suitable Offices, pleasantly situated in Broad-street, near the Market Hall. Application to be made, if by letter post-paid, to Mr. Cooper, on the Premises; or to Mr. J. P. Bradford, Auctioneer, Leominster.


1833    Benjamin Thomas


Hereford Times - 13th April 1833


B. THOMAS - MOST respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he has entered upon the above OLD ESTABLISHED INN, where he hopes, through attention and perseverance, to merit a share of their kind patronage and support. Travellers will find every accommodation. Well aired Beds, and capital Stables. Charges moderate. N. B. Piano Fortes, &c. accurately Tuned. Lessons given upon the Organ and Piano Forte. Orders attended to upon the shortest Notice. April 3, 1833.


1835    Benjamin Thomas - (Pigot’s Directory)


1841    George & Elizabeth Kitsell

Hereford Journal - 6th January 1841

December 31st, in Hereford-street, Presteign, at the house of son-in-law, in the 91st year of his age, Mr. Thomas Cooper, late innkeeper for upwards of 30 years; he was a fine healthy man, and walked quite erect till within a few days of his death.


Hereford Times - 15th May 1841


GEORGE  KITSELL, avails himself of this opportunity of returning his most grateful thanks to his Friends, Neighbours, and the Public in general, for the kind support he has received from them, since his commencing business, and begs leave to inform Agriculturists, Dealers, Tradesmen, and Others, that, with an anxious wish to give all the support in his power to the New Market, recently established he has come to the determination of providing a good substantial dinner, to be on the table at two o'clock on each Market Day, commencing on Tuesday, the 18th instant, at the VERY LOW CHARGE OF ONE SHILLING EACH. It is also his intention of reducing the price of his fine superior Ale, down to FIVE PENCE per QUART!


1844    George Kitsell - (Pigot’s Directory)

Hereford Times - 12th February 1848




THAT well accustomed PUBLIC-HOUSE, known by the name of the "Duke's Arms Inn," situate in Broad-street, Presteign.

            For particulars apply to Mr. George Kitsell, the present landlord. Presteign,

3rd February, 1848.


Hereford Journal - 12th June 1850

June 7,in the 58th year of his age, at Droitwich (his native place), where he, a few days previously, went for the benefit of his health, Sergeant-Major George Kitsell, of the Royal Radnor Militia, and landlord of the Duke's Arms Inn, Broad-street, Presteign. Mr. Kitsell was formerly a soldier in the Foot Guards, and was appointed Sergeant-Major upwards of 16 years since. When in his regimentals be at all times had a neat and soldier-like appearance, and was much respected.


George Kitsell was buried at St. Andrew's Droitwich on 11th June 1850


1851    Elizabeth Kitsell

Hereford Times - 15th March 1856


TO PUBLICANS and OTHERS.—TO be LET, at Lady Day next, that Old Established INN, the Dukes Arms, situate in Broad-street, in the immediate neighbourhood of the Shire Hall. The house has been entirely remodelled and greatly improved, has a handsome frontage, and is in every way fitted for a Commercial and Agricultural Inn; good stabling, loose boxes, and lock-up coach-house.

            For particulars and to treat, apply to ROBERT BORE, Barley Mow Inn, Presteign.

            Twelve Hogsheads of Prime Ale in the cellars to be taken to with other fixtures at a valuation.


1859    Robert & Gwen Bore (nee Roberts) - (Slater’s Directory)


1861    Robert & Gwen Bore


1871    Robert & Gwen Bore


1875    Robert & Gwen Bore - (Worrall’s Directory)


Robert Bore died at the Duke's Arms Hotel on 14th May 1877. aged 66.


Wellington Journal - 19th May 1877

PRESTEIGN. DEATH OF MR BORE. - In our obituary of this week is recorded the death of an old inhabitant of Presteign, viz.; Mr. Robert Bore, of the Duke's Arms Hotel, who expired on Monday last after three days' illness. The deceased had suffered from rheumatism for some years. He was much respected by all who knew hint, having kept the above hotel about 20 years.


Hereford Journal - 25th May 1878

PURSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Justice Chancery Division, made in the matter of the Estate of ROBERT BORE, late of the DUKE'S ARMS HOTEL, Presteign, in the County of Radnor, Inn-keeper, deceased, between Gwen Bore against John Davies and another 1878, B 142 the CREDITORS of the said ROBERT BORE, late of the DUKES ARMS ROTEL, Presteign, in the County of Radnor, Inn-keeper, who died in or about the month of MAY 1877, are on or before the 5th day of JUNE, 1878, to send by post, prepaid to Mr. William Wakelin, of Presteign, Radnor, the Solicitor of the defendants, the Executors of the deceased, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions; the full particulars of their Claims; a statement of their Accounts and the stature of the Securities (if any) held by them; or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Order. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice-Chancellor Sir Charles Hall, at his Chambers, situated at No 14, Chancery-lane, Middlesex, on Monday, the 24th day of June, 1878, at one o'clock in the afternoon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the Claims.

Dated this 10th day of May, 1878.


1880    Gwen Bore - (Slater’s Directory)

1881    Gwen Bore - (widow)


Gwen Bore died in Dolgellau, Merionethshire on 31st January 1887, she was buried there on 2nd February. Aged 76 years.


North Wales Chronicle - 5th February 1887

INQUEST. —On Tuesday an inquest was held at the Shire Hall on the body of Gwen Bore, before Mr Charles Millard, deputy coroner. — Mary Annie Bore said I reside at the Zion-street Vaults, Dolgelly, The body viewed by the jury is that of my late mother-in-law, Gwen Bore, who was a widow, and 76 years of age. She has lived with us at Dolgelley about three years. She was able to walk about and attend to herself. On Sunday, the 16th ult. I left the house about four p.m., accompanied by my husband. I was out half-an-hour or so. When I got to the top of the stairs I detected smoke. I drew the curtain on one side and saw the deceased standing in front of the fire, I saw she was on fire. I took a table-cloth and threw it over her, and threw her on the ground. I threw myself then upon her, and put out the flame. The smoke nearly choked me, and prevented my husband, who was downstairs, from hearing me. She told me that she set herself on fire by going to light a piece of paper to light the gas, and the fringe of the mantelpiece caught fire, and that she then tried to put it out with her apron, which took fire. I found she was badly burnt, and sent for the doctor that day. The deceased died yesterday (31st January) at Zion-street.

          H Lloyd Williams deposed that the deceased died from shock and exhaustion caused by the burns. The deceased was suffering from burns on the head, face, neck, arms, chest, and side.—Verdict : Died from exhaustion caused by burns accidentally got on the 16th ult,


Leominster News - 28th June 1889


TO be Sold by Auction by Messrs. LEEDAM AND HARRISON upon the premises as above.

On THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 14th and 15th days of July 1889,

(under a Bill of Sale), the whole of the valuable Modern HOUSEHOLD and FURNITURE and APPOINTMENTS, including the Furnishings of coffee room, commercial room, smoke room, billiard room, dining room, parlours, and 15 bedrooms, a full sized billiard table, plate, linen, glass, china, cutlery, bedding, and trade utensils; also a capitol double-seated BROUGHAM,  4- wheel DOG-CART, BRAKE, 2 HORSES, quantity of harnesses, Horse Clothing, and great variety of other effects.

Sale to commence each day at 11 o'clock

          Catalogues will be ready 7 days before the sale, and may be had from the place of sale or from Messrs. LEEDHAM an HARRISON, Auctioneers, Burton-upon-Trent.


1891    Henry T & Ada G Jones

South Wales Daily News - 20th January 1892

Receiving Order - Henry Thomas Jones, Duke's Arms Hotel, Presteign Radnorshire, late hotel keeper, now hotel manager.


1895    David & Eleanor Pritchard (nee Abel) - (Kelly’s Directory)

Brecon and Radnor Express - 29th July 1897

A Magistrate and the Muzzling Order - Oh Those Dogs.

David Pritchard, of the Duke's Arms. Presteign, was summoned for allowing his dog to be on the highway unmuzzled. Defendant did not appear, but sent letter asking for an adjournment, and stating that he had a good defence. The case was accordingly adjourned.


David Pritchard left to run the Bull Inn, Presteign.


1899    Arthur Price


Leominster News  -  10th November 1899

Transfer - The license of the Duke's Arms was transferred from Mr Arthur Price to Mr T Powell, late of Llandrindod.


1901    Theophilus & Mary Jane Powell (nee Davies)


Theophilus Powell died in January 1902, aged 60 years.


Hereford Journal - 18th January 1902

Death of Mr Theophilus Powell - Our Radnorshire readers will regret to hear of the death of Mr Theophilus Powell, of the Duke's Arms Hotel, and formerly of the Ridgebourn Arms Hotel, Llandrindod. Deceased came to Presteign about 3 years ago.


Leominster News   - 7th February 1902

TEMPORARY AUTHORITY - Miss Powell applied for temporary authority to carry on the Duke's Arms Hotel, until next transfer day. - Granted.


Evening Express - 4th June 1902

PRESTEIGN LICENSING PROSECUTION! FAILS. - Miss Powell, of the Duke's Arms, was summoned at Presteign Petty-sessions on Tuesday for selling intoxicants at the Assembly-rooms on Whit-Monday without having a licence to do so. Mr. F. L. Green appeared for the defence, and the case was dismissed.

Leominster News  - 28th November 1902

DUKE'S ARMS HOTEL - This hotel has again changed hands, Mr J H Stephens, of Hereford, representative of the firm Messrs. Buchar and Co., of Leith and London, having become the tenant in succession to Mr T Powell


Leominster News - 6th October 1905

CHARGE AGAINST A LICENSED VICTUALLER.-  P.S. Hopton preferred a charge against J. H. Stephens, Duke's Arms Hotel, for permitting drunkenness on his premises. Mr. Wallis, Hereford, defended, and without hearing any witnesses for the defence, the case was dismissed; advocate's fees £1 1s., and witness' costs being allowed.


1907    John H & Emily Stephens (nee Waters)


Leominster News - 8th November 1907

PERMITTING DRUNKENNESS. John H. Stephens. landlord of the Duke's Arms, Presteign. was summoned for permitting drunkenness on his premises on the 9th October.

Leominster News - 6th December 1907

An application for extension on December 31st by Mrs. Stephens, Dukes Arms Hotel, was objected to by the Chief Constable, who said it was not necessary, and there was no more reason for the Duke's Arms Hotel to have an extension than any other house. Last year it was granted out of Court, which was illegal. All these applications must he made in open Court.

            The application was not granted, but the Chairman pointed out that bona fide travellers could be served after hours.


John Hall Stephens died on 29th December 1907, aged 54 years.


Leominster News  - 3rd January 1908


DEATH OF MR. J H. STEPHENS. -we very much regret to have to chronicle the death of Mr. Stephens which took place about 3.30 on Sunday morning. Deceased who was a well known Hereford man had been landlord of the Duke's Arms Hotel for the past few years. Lately he had been under the doctor's care. He leaves a widow and four to mourn his loss. The funeral took place, on Thursday at Presteign cemetery.


Brecon and Radnor Express - 13th February 1908

Duke's Arms Hotel - Mr F. L. Green, solicitor, Presteign, applied for the renewal of the licence, saying that he applied for Mrs Stephens, her husband, the licensee, being dead. When the magistrates granted the renewal, he would ask for a transfer of the licence to Arthur Harrison, of Boultibrooke, Presteign.

            The Chairman said they were not in a position to grant a new licence, because Mrs Stephens was the occupier of the premises. They had no power to transfer the licence to-day, as this was not a transfer day. The application must come on next transfer day, at the next meeting.

             It appeared that the application was for a protection order, for which the proper notices had been given, and the Chairman said they would grant a protection order until the next transfer day, when the new tenant (Mr Harrison) would have to apply for a transfer. Of course, they did not bind themselves to grant the transfer.

            Mr Green: In the meantime, is Harrison is authorised to sell?

            The Chairman:  Oh, no. We cannot give him temporary authority until he is in occupation.

            Mr Green: Then Mrs Stephens must remain there?

            The Chairman: Yes. He will have to sell under her authority.


1910    Arthur & Annie Harrison - (Kelly’s Directory)


1911    Arthur & Annie Harrison


Hereford Times - 8th July 1911

TO LET, DUKE'S ARMS HOTEL, Presteign.  immediate  possession. Moderate rent —Further particulars apply to David Williams. The Brewery, Builth Wells


The Brecon Radnor Express - 13th August 1914

POLICE AND DEFENDANT.  - Strange Case at Presteign.

MAGISTRATES DECISION.  - At Presteign Police Court on Tuesday the adjourned case against George Lewis, Presteign, who was summoned for drunkenness and refusing to quit the Duke's Arms Hotel on June 6th, was heard.

                P.C. Richards deposed that he visited the premises at 10.15 and saw defendant there in a drunken condition. Witness asked him to quit, but the latter refused to do so.

                The Clerk: Was Mr Garrod, the licensee, there? - Yes, and he also requested defendant to leave, but Lewis refused, and said he was going to have some more. - Continuing, witness said defendant was quarrelling. As defendant would not quit witness ejected him. In doing so defendant caught hold of him by the throat and attempted to strangle him.

                Defendant: I said to you that if you thought I was drunk to lock me up and not push me about.

                Sergt. Higgins deposed to seeing P.C. Richards ejecting defendant, who was drunk.

                A. Garrod, the licensee, also gave evidence. The Chairman (to witness): Were you in the bar when defendant was there? - No. He did not ask anyone for a drink, but came for his knife. Was he the worse for liquor? - He was excited. Did you refuse him drink? - He did not ask for it.

                Sgt. Higgins: Had he been at your house before in the day playing rings?- I had not seen him until night on that day. Did you not ask him to leave the premises? - Yes, because I did not want a disturbance. When defendant asked what was the matter the Constable pushed him.

                The Chairman (to the Constable): Was there any reason why you went into the Duke's Arms?- Yes, to speak to the licensee about Stephens who had just before left the house in a drunken condition. I asked if Stephens had been there, and he answered "Yes," adding that he was refused drink and ordered to quit.

                Sergt. Higgins remarked that he thought the defendant was going to bring Dr. Lower as a witness, and would like to know what he had to say, but the Bench took no notice of this query.

The Chairman: We dismiss the case.

Kington Times - 10th February 1923

Mr. H. V. Vaughan applied for the permanent transfer of the Dukes Arms from Mr. Garrod to Mr. S. Foster, and this was granted.

1923    Samuel Foster - (Kelly’s Directory)              


Nottingham Evening Post - 25th March 1924

FOR SALE - Duke's Arms, Presteigne. Freehold fully licensed. £2.400, bargain, mortgage arranged.


1939    Graham & Elizabeth Deer


1941    Norah Deer

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