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Farmers Arms, Hereford Street


1875    Elizabeth Davies - (Worrall’s Directory)


1880    Eliza Davies - (Slater’s Directory)


1881    Eliza Davies


1892    Henry Harding & Sarah Crutchley


Leominster News - 9th November 1894


            H. H. Crutchley, Farmers Arms, was summoned for the above offence, on October 6th.

            Edward Davies was also summoned for being drunk on a licensed premises.

            The evidence by the police was that on the day in question they heard a big noise in the Farmers Inn, and on entering saw some 12 of 15 men in the bar parlour playing tippet, Crutchley was there. They went into the kitchen and saw defendant Davies with a pint of cider in his hand. He asked witness to have some which he declined. He called Crutchley's attention to the state of the man, and Crutchley replied that he had not noticed he was so bad, or he would not have supplied him. Witness asked Davies to get home as quickly as possible, and Crutchley told Davies to drink up and  get out.

            Cross-examined by Crutchley: Did not ask defendant any questions. I said the man was beastly drunk. There was a great noise in the bar parlour. Crutchley said he did not hear anyone speak.

            P.C. Nibletts gave evidence in corroboration of the above.

            Mr Crutchley called A Roberts, E Edwards, and Annie Morris in his behalf. Each said Davies was not drunk.

            Roberts in answer to the Chairman said Davies was perfectly sober.

            The Court was cleared for some considerable time, and on reopening the Chairman said that the case against Crutchley would be dismissed, as the Bench were of opinion that there was not evidence enough to show that Davies was drunk enough for Crutchley to notice it when he served him. therefore that gave him the benefit of the doubt.       

            In the case of Davies there was not  the shaddow of a doubt but he was drunk, and he would be fined 5/- and 5/6 costs.


1895    Charles Giles - (Kelly’s Directory)


1901    Arthur & Sarah Jane Hughes


1902    Mr A Hughes


Leominster News  - 10th January 1902


A. Hughes, Farmers Arms, applied for an hour's extension for Friday night, the 9th inst., on an occasion of the annual supper. The chairman said as this was not a supper in connection with any public matter, the Magistrate could not see their way to grant the extension. The application would be refused, but if those going liked to enjoy themselves up to 11 o'clock, of course, they could do so.


Leominster News - 6th June 1902

Mr A. Hughes, Farmers Arms, Presteigne, was granted an occasional license to sell at Brampton Brian on fair days.


Leominster News - 3rd April 1903


On Thursday night last. about 8 p.m., Mr. Arthur Hughes was suddenly taken with a very severe stroke while sitting in the bar. He was taken to bed, and Dr. Debenham was immediately in attendance. Mr. Hughes is one of the candidates for election as a member of the Urban District Council. Great sympathy is felt in the town for Mrs. Hughes.


Arthur Hughes died on 5th April 1903, aged 47 years.

Hereford Journal - 9th May 1903

PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday.—Before Colonel James (Chairman), Mr. H. M. Evans, Mr. W. W. Green-Price, and Mr. F. Milbank.

            The licence of the Farmers' Arms Inn was, on the application of Mr. H. Matthews, solicitor, Knighton, transferred from Mrs. Hughes to Mr. G. E. Jackson, Knighton.


Leominster News - 19th February 1904


We have this week to record the death of Mrs Eliza Davies, retired inn-keeper of this town, who passed away on Wednesday night, 10th inst., at the age of 86 years.

            Deceased formerly ran the Farmers Arms in this town, but for some years has lived retired. The funeral took place on Saturday last, 13th inst.


1904    George Edwin & Elizabeth Jackson


Leominster News - 12th May 1905

DEATH OF AN OLD INHABITANT.— We regret to have to record the death and funeral of Mrs. Crutchley, wife of Mr H. Crutchley, timber merchant. Only a week ago her sister, Mrs. Weaver, was buried (as mentioned in our last issue). Mrs. Crutchley was the widow of Mr. Burton, and formerly kept the Oxford Arms Hotel in this town. She is survived by four children of the first marriage, one of whom is the wife of Mr. J. Hills, of the Horse and Groom Hotel, Hereford. She also leaves behind four children by the second marriage. Deceased was well known and highly respected in Presteign and Kington, and her husband, Mr. Crutchley is also well known in Leominster. Much sympathy was shown with the family in their bereavement. Deceased had been unwell for some time and passed peacefully away on Friday morning last, at the age of 63. The remains were interred at Presteign cemetery last Monday.


Leominster News - 16th March 1906


Mr William Hamar died last Sunday morning, after a very short illness, in his 60th year of his age. Deceased, who belonged to a well-known Shropshire family, succeeded the late Mr. Wm. Price some 30 or 33 years ago, in his well-known drapery and outfitting business in High Street. A short time ago Mr. Hamar retired, and since then has been lodging at the Farmer's Arms Hotel.

          On Sunday morning Mrs. Jackson (landlady) knocked at his bedroom door, but being unable to hear anything she went for her husband, who, upon entering the room, found Mr. Hamar quite dead. The funeral took place yesterday (Thursday) at Presteign.


Leominster News - 7th December 1906

DEATH OF AN OLD ARMY PENSIONER. We regret having to announce the death and funeral of Mr. George Jackson, landlord of the Farmers Arms In this town. Deceased had been in the South Wales Borderers, and served with his regiment in the Burma War, for which he won the medal. He was invalided home a few years ago on a small pension, and had lately been landlord of the Farmers Arms. Only five days before his death he was seized with inflammation of the lungs, and passed away on Friday morning in the 44th year of his age. He leaves a wife and several sisters. The funeral took place on Tuesday at the cemetery.

George Edwin Jackson died on 30th November 1906


Leominster News and - 10th December 1909

TRANSFER OF LICENSE. - The license of the Farmers Arms was transferred from Mrs Jackson to Mr Chas. Smith.


1910    Charles Smith - (Kelly’s Directory)


Hereford Times - 4th February 1911

TO LET, the FARMERS ARMS INN, Presteign, near railway station. For particulars apply Arnol Perrett and Co. Ltd., Brewers, Hereford.


1911    Charles & Agnes Elizabeth Smith


1923    George Frederick Rawlings - (Kelly’s Directory)


1939    Edwin & Winifred Sayell

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