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Old Oak, Broad Street

1834    William Lugger

Hereford Times - 15th March 1834

Old Oak Inn, Broad Street. - William Lugger - Most respectfully begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has taken the above old established Inn, and will enter upon the same at Lady Day next, where he hopes by strict attention and perseverance, to merit a share of their kind patronage and support.

            Well aired Beds, capital Stabling, and Gig House. - Charges moderate.


Hereford Times - 15th March 1834

We learn from an advertisement in this day's paper that Mr William Lugger is about to be landlord of the Old Oak Inn, Presteign. We hope that he will meet with that encouragement, which, from a knowledge of his character, we doubt not, he will well deserve.


1835    William Lugger - (Pigot’s Directory)


1840    Moses Chandler


Hereford Journal - 26th February 1840


WHEREAS MOSES CHANDLER, of the Old Oak Inn, Presteign, hath by Indenture of Assignment bearing data the 20th day of February instant, Bargained, Sold, and Assigned his personal Estate and Effects unto Trustees, in Trust for the general benefit of his Creditors, who shall make due proof of their debts, if required.

            The Assignment will lie at my office for signature of such of the Creditors as may be disposed to accept the same; and such of them as shall not execute the same by the first of April next, will be excluded all benefit thereof.


Presteign,  Feb. 24, 1840.


1844    James Knowles - (Pigot’s Directory)


1861    George & Margaret Harper


1871    Thomas & Caroline Preece - (Worrall’s Directory)


1875    Thomas & Caroline Preece


1879    Thomas & Caroline Preece

South Wales Daily News - 9th May 1879

Transfer of license of the Old Oak, Beer-house, Broad-Street, to William Stephens.


1879    William Stephens

1891    John & Sarah Ann Griffiths


John died on Wednesday, 2nd November 1892


Leominster News - 11th November 1892

DEATH OF AN OLD INHABITANT.—The inhabitants of this town will hear with regret of the death of Mr John Griffiths. builder and innkeeper. Deceased had been suffering for some time with neuralgia, and had a tooth drawn by Dr Lane, but a cancer speedily Ionized and upon the recommendation of Dr A. Balfour, deceased went to the University College Hospital. Loudon, a few days ago for the purpose of undergoing an operation. It was intended to carry out the operation on Wednesday, 2nd inst. and it being necessary to administer anaesthetics the services were obtained of Dr. Buxton who, it appears, makes this his sole business. As will been seen from the report of the inquest deceased never regained consciousness, but almost immediately expired.

            An inquest was held on Friday at the At St. Pancras Coroner's Court, Dr G. Danford Thomas held an inquest concerning the death at University College Hospital of John Griffiths, aged 59, a master builder, lately residing at Presteign, Radnorshire.—The deceased, who suffered from cancer of the cheek and jaw, entered the hospital on the 26th ult. to undergo an operation with the view of prolonging his life. Before this could be performed the administration of an anaesthetic was necessary, and Dr. E. W. Buxton the anaesthetist, gave the deceased chloroform, which "he took very well," and the doctor added that he had no apprehension as to the result. Just, however, as the patient became completely under the influence of the chloroform, and was fit to undergo the operation, his breathing suddenly ceased. Recourse was had to artificial respiration and every possible restorative, but in vain.

            Dr. Buxton stated, in answer to questions, that his sole business was the administration of anaesthetics, and out of the thousands of cases in which he had been concerned death was extremely rare.

            The Coroner said the proportion of patients to whom anaesthetics were fatally administered was one in 4000 or 5000. It was impossible always to conjecture rightly who would or who would not come safely out of the ordeal. While the apparently healthy and strong sometimes succumbed, the old and the weak took anaesthetics wonderfully well, and so did children.

            The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Misadventure."

            The news was sent to Dr. Balfour by post, and was by him sent to deceased's brother who is also a builder in Presteign.

            No time was lost in communicating the sad news to his wife and family and as it gradually became known a very general expression of regret was felt In the town, at the melancholy ending of the career of one who was very highly respect by all classes. Deceased leaves a wife, one son and three daughters to mourn his loss. The eldest daughter lives at the Cape, and has only just returned there from paying her parents a visit.

            Deceased was for a long time in the 1st Radnorshire Volunteers and retired a short time since with the rank of Colour Sergeant, (which he had held for some time), he being permitted to wear his uniform. Captain Jones offered to arrange for a military funeral. This was carried out on Tuesday when deceased (who had been brought from London on Monday), was conveyed from his late residence to his last resting place in the cemetery.


1895    Mrs Sarah Griffiths - (Kelly’s Directory)

1901    Sarah Ann Griffiths (widow)

Sarah Ann died on 27th August 1902

Leominster News - 5th September 1902

DEATH AND FUNERAL OF AN OLD INHABITANT.- We regret having to announce the death and funeral of Mrs. S. Griffiths, of the Old Oak Inn, Broad Street. Deceased was the widow of the late C. S. John Griffiths, a well-known builder in this town. She had been ailing for some time, and passed peacefully away on the 27th inst. The remains were interred at the cemetery alongside of her late husband on Saturday last, the 30th. The first part of the service was conducted in the church, the rector officiating.

Leominster News - 12th September 1902

Temporary License was granted to Mr Henry Griffiths to sell at the Old Oak until next transfer day.


1903    Henry Griffiths (son of John & Sarah Ann Griffiths owners of the Old Oak 1891/1901)

Hereford Journal - 7th March 1903

COUNTY COURT, Wednesday.—The bi-monthly County Court was held in the Shirehall on Wednesday last, before his Honour Judge William Evans, the undefended cases numbering over 50, being disposed of by the Registrar (Mr. F. L. Green). There were only two cases of importance. James Smallman, blacksmith, Presteign, sued Mr. H J. Griffiths, of the Oak Inn, Presteign, inn-keeper, to recover £2 15s., cost of a cooking stove supplied to the order of Mrs. Griffiths, defendant's late mother, in August, 1902. Mr. Griffiths denied that he had ever dealt with the plaintiff or given him an order. The article sued for had been supplied to his mother.  In further examination it appeared that Mr. Griffiths bad taken out letters of administration to his mother's estate, but they were not yet complete. The Judge said he would amend the claim and adjourn the case to the next Court in order that it might be ascertained what assets were available.


1910    Henry Griffiths - (Kelly’s Directory)

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