Oxford Arms, Hereford Street
1835 John Rowlands - (Pigot’s Directory)
Hereford Journal - 20th June 1838
JOHN ROWLANDS, formerly of the Oxford Arms Inn, in the town of Presteign, in the County of Radnor, Innkeeper, and late of Burghill, near Hereford, in the county of Hereford, out of business.
1841 William Morris
1844 William Morris - (Pigot’s Directory)
The Silurian -13th September 1845
September 1st, In Hereford street, Presteign, Miss Mary Morris, landlady of the Oxford Arms.
1846 Joseph Jones
Hereford Times - 5th September 1846
CAUTION TO LANDLORDS OF VICTUALLING HOUSES.- Mr. Joseph Jones, landlord of the Oxford Arms' Inn, Presteign, appeared to answer a charge preferred against him by the police for allowing card playing and other disorderly practices, contrary to law, in his house, on the 24th of July last. Mary Stephens, a servant to the said Mr. Joseph Jones, was brought up under a warrant to give evidence against her master, having refused to attend to the summons which had been served upon her. After receiving a suitable reprimand from Major Whitaker, the defendant was ordered to pay a fine of 20s. with costs, and his license was suspended for one month.
Hereford Times - 9th June 1849
Joseph Jones, landlord of the Oxford Arms Inn, in Presteign, was summoned to answer to information of Superintendent Dixon, charging him with having, on the 11th day of May last, assaulted one John Shaw, a hawker, and created great disorder and disturbance.
The case was clearly proved against Jones, and this being the third conviction, he was ordered to pay a fine of 10/-., including costs.
1851 Richard & Mary Lowe
The Silurian - 27th December 1851
December 18th, in Hereford-street, Presteign, after a long illness, Mary, wife of Mr Richard Lowe, of the Oxford Arms Inn, aged 57 years.
1859 John Prosser - (Slater’s Directory)
1861 Elizabeth Weaver
1871 Thomas & Sarah Burton
1875 Sarah Burton - (Worrall’s Directory)
In 1876 Sarah Burton (nee Weaver), widow, married Henry H Crutchley in Presteigne. By 1892 they were running the Farmer's Arms, in Hereford Street.
1880 Henry H. Critchley - (Slater’s Directory)
1881 Henry H & Sarah Crutchley
1895 William Stephens - (Kelly’s Directory)
Leominster News - 8th March 1901
The license of the Oxford Arms was transferred from Mr William Stephens to Mrs Stephens
1910 Mrs Mary Stephens - (Kelly’s Directory)
1911 Mary Stephens (widow)
1923 Francis William Swinglehurst - (Kelly’s Directory)
1924 William Steiner
Kington Times - 7th October 1933
The license of the Oxford Arms Hotel, Presteign, was transferred from Mr. William Steiner to Miss Beach, Duke of William Inn, near Bewdley.
1939 Leslie & Gwendoline Collet