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Sun Inn, Hereford Street


1859    John Powell - (Slater’s Directory)


1861    John & Ann Harriet Powell


John Powell died on 19th September 1866


Hereford Journal - 29th September 1866

Powell. - September 19th, at Presteign, of disease of the heart, aged 57 years. Mr John Powell, of the Sun Inn.


1871    Ann Harriet Powell (widow)


1875    Ann Powell - (Worrall’s Directory)


1880    Ann Powell - (Slater’s Directory)


1881    Ann Powell (widow)


1895    Mrs Martha Howells - (Kelly’s Directory)


1899    Mr A C McNash


Hereford Times - 5th August 1899

Temporary transfer of the license of the Sun Inn, Presteign, to Alexander McNish, of Leominster, was granted.


Leominster News - 10th November 1899

Transfer of License. - The license of the Sun Inn was transferred from Mr A C McNash, Leominster to Mr George Cadwallader.


Leominster News - 8th March 1901

Mr J Knott, of Tenbury, applied for authority to sell at the Sun Inn until the next transfer day Mr Cadwallader, the present tenant agreeing. Granted


1901    George & Adelaide Cadwallader


Ludlow Advertiser - 16th February 1901


On Saturday night, shortly after nine an alarming fire broke out at the Sun Inn, Presteign, and for a considerable time it appeared as though the whole building would be destroyed. The flames having spread to the adjoining house, in the occupation of Mrs. Davies, great fears were entertained that the extensive premises in the occupation of Mr. Henry Jenkins were doomed to destruction The fire having gained a great hold a mounted messenger was sent to Knighton, and for the celerity with which that brigade, under the direction of Captain William Price, responded to the call they must be congratulated. In the meantime the Presteign Brigade, under the command of Captain J. T. Price had got well to work, and the gravity of affairs can well be realised as they were compelled to destroy the roof between the connecting building and to keep the engines at work until 6 o'clock on Sunday morning. Had not every member of the brigade worked readily and well, assisted by a large number of the inhabitants (including prominent members of the District Council) the whole block of buildings must have been demolished. The ladies of the town deserve the greatest praise for the usefulness and energy they displayed in helping to carry buckets of water with which to feed the fire engines (the county town not boasting of a water supply). All the out-buildings and the greater portion of the Sun Inn were destroyed, and great sympathy is expressed for the landlord, Mr. Cadwallader.

Leominster News - 4th July 1902

TRANSFER. -- The license of the Sun Inn was transferred from J. Mayo to Jas. Clarke.

1903    James Clarke

The Cardiff Times - 11th April 1903

At Presteigne on Tuesday James Preece. dealer, Presteigne, was charged under the Child Messenger Act with having sent a child under the age of 14 to the Sun Inn for intoxicating liquor, the same not being supplied in a sealed vessel. The landlord, James Clarke, was summoned for having supplied the liquor. Fines of 10s. each were imposed.

1905    John Clarke


Leominster News - 9th June 1905

OCCASIONAL LICENSE. - Mr. Clarke, Sun Inn, Presteign, was granted authority to sell at Brampton Brian Fair, on June 21st, from 6 a.m. till 3 p.m., and on June 22nd from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m.


1906    John Clarke


Wellington Journal - 23rd June 1906


The principal meeting of the Compensation Authority for the county of Radnor was held at the Shirehall, Presteign, on Tuesday Mr. J, Corrie Carter presided, and there were also present—Messrs. T. E. Duggan, J. A. Beebe., A. Simpson, and J. T. Jackson, and Dr. W. Bowen-Davies.

            The case of the Sun Inn Mr. E. H. Cheese (solicitor, Hay) appeared for the Presteign Renewal Authority, and Mr. H. J. Southall (solicitor, Leominster) for the owners (Messrs. Paxton and Co.) and the tenant (Mr J. Clarke).—Mr. Southall formally applied for a renewal of the license

            Mr. Cheese pointed out that the license was referred on the grounds of redundancy.

            Mr. Southall admitted that there were too many houses in Presteign.

            Mr. Cheese then outlined the reason why this license had been selected.

            Mr. H. V Vaughan (clerk to the Compensation Authority) read the reports of the Renewal Authority which had been received by him. (The substance of these reports has already been published)

            Major Walsh (Chief Constable of Radnorshire) said the average of licensed houses in Presteign was one to every 75. The average of licensed houses in England and Wales was one to 340.

            On Saturday last he was shown over the house. The rooms were small and all adapted for a licensed house. He did not think the licensing business would pay without the laundry business which was attached to it.

            Sergeant Hopton gave evidence as to the character of the trade done at the house

            Mr M. Evans, one of the Justices who reported the house, said that they did so because they thought this was one of the houses they ought to select.

            Mrs. Clarke, the wife of the licensee stated that the people who came to the Sun Inn were respectable working men and the smaller commercial travellers.

            The Magistrates retired for consultation, and, on returning into Court, said they had decided to refuse the application for renewal of the license.


Leominster News - 26th October 1906


The above Authority held a meeting at the Shirehall on Thursday last to consider the case of the Sun Inn. The Sun Inn, which is owned by Messrs. E J Paxton, Leominster, the compensation claimed was £1,004 18s. 1d., The tenant to have one-tenth of this amount. The committee refused to agree to this, and the matter will therefore go to the Inland Revenue Commissioners.


Leominster News - 10th January 1908


The Compensation in regard to the license of the Sun Inn, Presteign, which had to be determined by the Inland Revenue Commissioners, was paid during the year, the compensation awarded by the Inland Revenue Commissioners, whose  award was dated 14th June, 1907, being £670, the amount claimed before the Licensing Committee being £1,004 18s. The house is now closed.

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