The Crown, High Street
Pre 1791 Mrs Gough
Hereford Journal - 30th November 1791
(Late of the New Oak)
MOST respectfully begs leave to inform Gentlemen, Tradesmen and the Public in general, that he has entered upon that well-accustomed Inn, known by the name of
situate in the High-street, late in the possession of Mrs. Gough; who solicits, for her successor, a continuance of those favour. which the for a long period of years received from a generous public.
T. DAVIES has laid in a Stock of the bell Wines, Brandies, Rum, etc. and flatters himself, by a strict attention to please, he shall merit the patronage of his friends and the public, whose agreeable and satisfactory accommodation at the above Inn, shall be the constant study of
Their mind obedient and Most humble servant,
Hereford Journal - 2nd January 1793
BEGS leave to inform his Friends, and the Public in general, that he has taken and entered upon that commodious and well-accustomed Inn, known by the sign of THE CROWN, late in the possession of Mrs. GOUGH, and since in the possession of Mr. THOMAS DAVIES:- that he is now furnishing the said House in the most useful and elegant manner, for the accommodation of those Gentlemen, Travellers, and others, who shall be pleased to favour him with their Custom; and has laid in a fresh assortment of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, &c of the best Quality, which he is determined to sell at the most moderate prices: he has also five excellent stables, well stacked, with a large quantity of good Hay and Corn, and every other convenience.
He therefore most humbly solicits the favours of the Public, which, he begs to assure them, he will make it his study to deserve, by every attention and exertion in his power; and which will always be felt and acknowledged with the utmost gratitude by
Their most obedient, and
Devoted humble servant,
December. 20, 1792.